Can I Use Project Management? Yes of course!

Last year I was at the PMI conference in Mumbai. The conference was about several aspects of project management including tools, applications, etc. There was this speaker who spoke passionately about how the application of project management principles changed his & his wife’s life for good. They were married for 10 years & wanted to … Read more

Project vs Product

Project Vs Product: What Is It? This is one of those incidents that kind of made us sit back, and think, and then forced us to take corrective action. Today when I look around, I see some of the industry leaders are doing just what we did a few years ago. I was on a … Read more

ProductDossier Blog

Good Morning, Everyone out there, We are happy to be introducing this new ProductDossier Blog. I have been communicating with customers over the last few years and some of those discussions around the nature of the solution, delivery method and most importantly the art of making every enterprise implementation a success. All these discussions and execution … Read more