7 Tricks for Managing Your Time

I am not someone to leave things to the last minute but I have lost count of a number of times that by the end of the week I still haven’t made it through my task list. It’s not that I procrastinate (much!) but it’s hard to get everything done. The main problem I have … Read more

Learning Collaboration Skills

Everyone agrees it takes work to be part of a team. All the drills, coaching, practices, training, playing experiences that go into making a winning team are hard work. And when the team is pulling together, awesome things happen. Collaboration is teamwork, too. And like teamwork, collaboration gets better with training, practice, coaching, and playing … Read more

Clause 8 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 8 of ISO 9001 covers customer satisfaction surveys, internal audits, non-conforming product, analysis of data, continual improvements and corrective and preventive actions. We will only discuss a few of the areas which are otherwise difficult to handle in a company. In ISO, internal audit tracking is quite difficult to manage as observations, non-conformances have … Read more

Clause 7 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 7 of the ISO 9001 standard is an important clause as it covers contract review, design and development activity, installation, commissioning, calibration and release of the product. Purchase activity and managing of non-conformities are also a part of this clause. Touchbase product manages the design clause very well. “Design” is an activity where many … Read more

Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2008 deals with managing resources which includes people and infrastructure. People issues are covered under clause 6.2 of the standard and Touchbase has a separate module for managing skill and competency matrix which has been covered in a separate knowledge series published by us. The net outcome of managing training needs … Read more

Series of Blogs

We have written a blog on ISO 9001 and Touchbase product. This is going to be followed by a series of blogs on the TouchBase product and it’s link with different clauses of the standard. After that we will look at some of the verticals like Pharmaceutical, EPC, Engineering services and how TouchBase meets the … Read more

Calibration Requirements for Companies

Calibration Requirements for Companies: Control of monitoring and measuring equipment (calibration) is a requirement of clause 7.6 of ISO 9001:2008. The calibration is relevant where the equipment is used to measure the quality of the product from receipt to final inspection. While most companies have implemented this clause of the standard for meeting their own … Read more

Project vs Product

Project Vs Product: What Is It? This is one of those incidents that kind of made us sit back, and think, and then forced us to take corrective action. Today when I look around, I see some of the industry leaders are doing just what we did a few years ago. I was on a … Read more