Myths about Business Process Management

Since the emergence of Business Process Management (BPM), organizations adopting it have had a wide variety of experiences some successful and others less so. Some would argue that because Business Process Management is so amorphous that any project is considered to be analogous to ‘boiling the ocean’ and therefore, the outcomes may vary from exceptionally … Read more

Why Project Management is Important

Project management (PM) is a function which is necessary and very important for any organization – big or small. Unfortunately, many organization does not take this seriously and do not implement project management as a practice in place. Many SMBs find it too heavy on the bottom line that they do not want to pay … Read more

Clause 8 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 8 of ISO 9001 covers customer satisfaction surveys, internal audits, non-conforming product, analysis of data, continual improvements and corrective and preventive actions. We will only discuss a few of the areas which are otherwise difficult to handle in a company. In ISO, internal audit tracking is quite difficult to manage as observations, non-conformances have … Read more

Clause 7 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 7 of the ISO 9001 standard is an important clause as it covers contract review, design and development activity, installation, commissioning, calibration and release of the product. Purchase activity and managing of non-conformities are also a part of this clause. Touchbase product manages the design clause very well. “Design” is an activity where many … Read more

Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2008 deals with managing resources which includes people and infrastructure. People issues are covered under clause 6.2 of the standard and Touchbase has a separate module for managing skill and competency matrix which has been covered in a separate knowledge series published by us. The net outcome of managing training needs … Read more

Clause 5 of ISO 9001:2008

Clause 5 of the standard deals with the formulating of a quality policy, objectives and conducting of management reviews. Where Touchbase product can be useful is for tracking of objectives using the dashboard feature of the product and also tracking of the management review meeting through workflows. Creation of a dashboard in Touchbase is easy … Read more

Clause 4 of ISO 9001:2008

Continuing with the series of blogs on the TouchBase product and ISO 9001 standard, this blog will focus on clause 4 of the standard. The important sections of this clause are the writing of a quality manual and supporting procedures, controlling those documents and records generated while filling in the formats. Statistics show that the … Read more

Series of Blogs

We have written a blog on ISO 9001 and Touchbase product. This is going to be followed by a series of blogs on the TouchBase product and it’s link with different clauses of the standard. After that we will look at some of the verticals like Pharmaceutical, EPC, Engineering services and how TouchBase meets the … Read more

Calibration Requirements for Companies

Calibration Requirements for Companies: Control of monitoring and measuring equipment (calibration) is a requirement of clause 7.6 of ISO 9001:2008. The calibration is relevant where the equipment is used to measure the quality of the product from receipt to final inspection. While most companies have implemented this clause of the standard for meeting their own … Read more

ISO 9001 and TouchBase Product

ISO 9001 is a Quality Management System adopted across the globe by organizations of different sizes and across all verticals. Implementation of a standard like ISO 9001 gives companies the confidence that they can deliver to their clients consistently and thereby improve their competitive edge in the market. However, implementation of this standard requires a … Read more