What is the right time for IT companies to look for Professional Services Automation Software?

At a glance• Headwinds for the IT industry• What is PSA Software• Symptoms that indicate the need for digitalization and integration Is your company facing headwinds like tight customer budgets, stagnant employee productivity, and attrition? Is managing 100s or 1000s of talented people a challenge? You may have heard of Professional Services Automation (PSA) software … Read more

How IT leaders Can Harness Digitalization To Manage Attrition -Part 2

Addressing Specific Root Causes  At a glance• Root causes of attrition• Many root causes are outside the ambit of HR policies• Your leaders need digital tools of PSA software to stem attrition In the first part of this series, we discussed how the leaders of IT companies can use the PSA software-based digitalization technology to … Read more

How IT leaders Can Harness Digitalization To Manage Attrition -Part 1

At a glance• Managing attrition and improving productivity are leadership challenges• Different types of attrition• Digitalization provides tools to manage attrition• Top leadership needs to seize the initiative Attrition has always been a major business issue for companies that rely on talent. In the past, companies could stem attrition through a combination of pay and … Read more

Resource Allocation for Successful Project Management -Part 2

The goals, art, and science In the previous article in this series, we saw that the resource management function is very critical for your project business. We described what roles your resource management group (RMG) plays in meeting your organization’s goals. Indeed, the majority of persistent issues like revenue and profit leakages, subpar quality, attrition … Read more

What is Resource Management Software and When Do You Need it?

If your business depends on delivering projects on time and within budgets or completing internal projects on time and within budgets, you need full-fledged resource management software. A full-fledged resource management software is essential for enterprise resource planning. What is not resource management software?HR software that provides only recruitment, onboarding, and payroll functions is not … Read more

Resource Management Software: Tell-tale Signs That You need

Resource Management Software: There are tell-tale signs that all is not well with the way you manage resources needed for your project’s business.  You may have managed the allocation of resources so far with spreadsheets or some home-grown software. So you might be thinking that you can continue in the same way, right? Not necessarily, … Read more

Reduce The Gap Between As Sold and As Executed Project Cost using ProductDossier IT PSA Software 

Protect your profits by reducing or eliminating the gap in ‘as sold’ and ‘as executed’ costs of your IT projects. Your actual profit can be lower than the profit estimated at the time of bidding for many reasons. It could be because of the wrong estimation of resource-hours. Not considering travel costs could be another … Read more