Supercharging Resource Management With AI


Knowledge industries, like the IT industry, deliver projects or services involving various digital technologies to their clients in diverse industries and institutions. Hundreds or thousands of people with highly specialized skills and domain knowledge work on these projects. Operations of large IT companies take place in many locations across the globe.  Managing resources effectively is … Read more

ProductDossier PSA: Truly Beyond Project Management

At a glanceHaving CRM, Resource Management, HRMS, ERP, and a meeting and collaboration tool doesn’t fully equip you to manage your IT project delivery business. Read on to find what you are missing. Though Professional Services Automation (PSA) software is finding favor with more and more IT services companies that deliver billable projects, sometimes managers view … Read more

Manage Shared Support Services Elegantly Using kytes PSA

At a glanceWhy are shared services essential to IT services companies?In what ways do their workflows differ compared to billable projects?How does Kytes PSA help manage them without tedious workarounds? PSA software Professional Services Automation (PSA) software solutions have become indispensable for streamlining the operations of IT services companies. The popularity isn’t surprising because PSA … Read more

How to Build Winning & Profitable Project Proposals Using the Best PSA Software?

How to Build Winning & Profitable Project Proposals Using the Best PSA Software IT services companies delivering billable projects to customers execute opportunities-to-cash cycles repeatedly. They must identify prospective customers, write winning and profitable proposals, deliver projects within budgets and on time, earn revenues, meet quality norms, and manage resources efficiently. Project management and resource … Read more

Streamline Your Operations with the Best PSA Software for IT Companies

At a glanceIt’s a paradox. IT services companies deliver digital transformation projects to their customers, but their operations depend on standalone software and many spreadsheets. There is an urgent need for attention to their operational challenges to meet the ever-increasing demands of their customers and employees.This article explains why IT companies need the best PSA … Read more

The Biggest Challenges Project Managers face And How PSA helps

The Biggest Challenges Project Managers face And How PSA helps This article answers the following questions:What are the biggest challenges that confront project managers?What do the project managers need to overcome their challenges?How does PSA software help in meeting the challenges?What kind of PSA software do the project managers need? IT service projects are inherently … Read more

How PSA software helps managers to make high quality decisions quickly?

How PSA software helps managers to make high quality decisions quickly? At a glanceThe ability of your managers to make sound decisions quickly determines your ability to adapt and grow. Yet, many organizations overlook it. This article analyzes some critical decisions that managers in IT services companies make. It suggests how you can harness technology to … Read more

High Quality Project Proposals – Your Key to Winning Project Deals

High Quality Project Proposals – Your Key to Winning Project Deals At a glanceYour prospective customer faces much higher risks than your organization faces. A quality project proposal can give confidence to your prospect  to deal with the risks.The ingredients of a high quality proposal. Companies looking to buy complex IT services face much higher … Read more

How to Use PSA to Clinch Deals With New Customers

Professional Services Automation Software, or PSA software, brings operational improvements to IT services companies and other project businesses. It integrates all your existing applications like CRM, HRMS, accounting, and project management to help you track, plan, execute projects, and close deals.  However, that you can leverage PSA’s features to persuade new prospective customers to consider … Read more

Buyer’s Risks Are Stalling Your Prospects

What you need to do At a glanceBuyers of complex IT services face much more significant risks than the risks their vendors face. Vendors’ inability to mitigate the buyer’s risk causes delays in deal finalization.  Ever wondered why those project deals that looked promising are getting stalled? Why is that prospective customer not excited by … Read more