Is your PPM solution integrated with Business Process Management?

Business Process Management Look around. We are living in a projectized world. Projects are focused on external customers, developing new products, and enhancing operational efficiency. There are projects to meet statutory, legal, and environmental requirements. The overall appreciation for the value of project management has significantly improved globally. At the same time, advancements in software … Read more

Let’s clear the air around Project Management Phases

Project Management Phases Like many project professionals and business leaders out there, I am sure you would have come across some of these questions in the project and portfolio management world. Do products and services follow a lifecycle? Which lifecycle comes first? Is it the product lifecycle or the project lifecycle? How are SDLC, Iterative, … Read more

Transform the way you manage your Customer Revenue Projects!

Let us start with a few preliminary but vital questions. 1. Do you undertake programs and projects? 2. More specifically, external customer or revenue generating programs and projects? 3. Are you not happy with the results or profitability of such external customer projects? 4. Do you want to transform the way you manage your external … Read more

Challenges in Project Proposal Management

Project Proposals Management Irrespective of the industry and the size of your enterprise, I am sure you are always on the lookout for adding more customers to your clientele. Why not? More the merrier! Your company may have invested in pre-sales and supported by an equally competent project proposals management team to accomplish your organizational … Read more

Turbo Charge Your New Product Development

The rise of the world wide web along with advancements in the various fields of technology has opened the doors to faster innovation cycles. It has also proved to be a challenging environment for new product development in recent history. If organizations want to compete well, they can no longer afford the luxury of developing … Read more

Do you want to avoid the Project Portfolio Management Trap?

Project Portfolio Management Trap I am sure your organization has had its share of failed projects. The reasons for project failure could be many. Some of the project failures may include any or all the following factors. Poor planning, Ambiguous requirements Inadequate or incompetent resources Ineffective stakeholder management Unreasonable and tight deadlines – the list … Read more

Is project management ‘just’ about triple constraints?

For time immemorial, project management meant the ability to manage scope, time, and cost. Globally, books and discussions highlighted the so-called ‘triple constraint triangle’ in project management. Another dimension – the quality was added as a circle around this triangle. That brings us to a vital question. Is project management just about these triple constraints? … Read more

End your project inventory management struggles right now!

Project inventory management struggles Today’s project management discussions across various industry forums, conferences, and discussions on project management are pivoted around technology, consulting, and services types of projects. Also, most of the PPM (Portfolio & Project Management) technology vendors have traditionally focused on project management solutions for software, services, and consulting based organizations and no … Read more

Get Project Management for Solar Projects Right!

Project Management for Solar Projects This decade has seen a significant rise in the adoption of renewable energy. The opportunities in solar have significantly increased. Alongside, the technological advancement has made the generation of solar power accessible and affordable than it was earlier. In this scenario, businesses have pumped much money to exploit this great … Read more