Planning Tools for Project Management

Project Management involves complete documentation and understanding of various aspects of the business functional requirements, Hardware/networking requirements, identifying the right resources, procurement planning, risk mitigation, and training requirements. It is end-to-end planning from conceptualizing to execution and also backup planning. All these key aspects come with their own set of tools. Hence a Project Manager’s … Read more

EPC Material Quantity and Cost Estimation – Importance in Sales and Execution cycle

EPC Material Quantity and Cost Estimation There are many challenges in the EPC industry. It can be broadly categorized into i) managing pre-sales ii) project planning and execution. The most critical factors which affect both of them are – material BOQ management, making an accurate price based on costs and markup, proper cost estimation (this … Read more

Task Management Software – The Difference between Average and Successful People

Task Management Software Task management can be a challenge; it is essential to cultivate effective task management tools. Fortunately, there are a variety of software tools and management tips that can help individuals or project management teams. The main difference between average and successful is the ability to manage tasks efficiently. This difference can be … Read more

It’s time for better Timesheet Management

Timesheet Management If there is one word in project management that kicks up a range of emotions by different professionals, it has to be “Timesheets!” Do you think I am exaggerating? Before getting into an in-depth analysis, it may be better to make one point clear. While there are numerous reasons why timesheets are driven … Read more

Get over the mirage of Project Management Software Integration

Project Management Software Integration In my interactions with professionals at various project management conferences and seminars, there are a host of topics are discussed. Most of the discussions culminate with one crucial question. Which project management software do you or your organization use? Just one question is all it takes to get the adrenaline rush. … Read more

The Panacea for Pharmaceutical Project Management

Pharmaceutical Project Management Drugs save lives. When gone wrong, wrong drugs kill beings. Scary, isn’t it? Getting a drug into the market is an arduous process with no guaranteed success. There are two aspects of success. Successful drug launch Earning a decent profit from the drug According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, pharmaceutical … Read more

Finally, One Project Management Software to Manage Diverse Projects!

People diversity. Cultural diversity. Business diversity. The list could go on. For the moment, I am interested in business diversity. Different businesses operate differently while the ultimate motto does not change much – add value and thereby optimize revenue, growth, and profitability. Let us go further into the businesses. Today’s businesses have moved a majority … Read more

One Project Management Software to Manage your Certifications, Compliance and Process Improvements

Today’s global business scenario has been challenging than ever. There are no signs of the situation cooling off anywhere shortly. Different industries deal with varying types of products and services in a global setting. It is not surprising to observe companies have their manufacturing locations spread across countries and geographies. On the other side of … Read more

Are You Ready for Program Management Systems?

In one of our previous blogs, we explored the dimensions of a Program Management Systems by reviewing its critical aspects listed below. Project management and its facets Characteristics of a system; and Correlation between project management and systems Let me set the context here. We live in a projectized world, and project management systems represent … Read more

Digitally Transform Your Manufacturing Order Management

Globally, the way organizations manage their businesses has changed drastically over the past couple of decades – two simple words summarize this shift. Project Management. It was a novelty to use Project Management as it applied to ‘special work’ that some organizations undertook. Over the past few decades, corporate leaders and professionals started to realize … Read more