End your project inventory management struggles right now!

Project inventory management struggles Today’s project management discussions across various industry forums, conferences, and discussions on project management are pivoted around technology, consulting, and services types of projects. Also, most of the PPM (Portfolio & Project Management) technology vendors have traditionally focused on project management solutions for software, services, and consulting based organizations and no … Read more

Project Management Office Success Factors

Project management maturity is a journey – observed to be true whether you are a big or medium or small enterprise irrespective of whether you are in engineering, manufacturing, construction, technology, healthcare, public utility or any other industry. Organizations continue to invest in search of the ideal – business excellence!On the journey to enhancing project … Read more

Get Project Management for Solar Projects Right!

Project Management for Solar Projects This decade has seen a significant rise in the adoption of renewable energy. The opportunities in solar have significantly increased. Alongside, the technological advancement has made the generation of solar power accessible and affordable than it was earlier. In this scenario, businesses have pumped much money to exploit this great … Read more

Taking EPC Project Management to Construction Site Professionals

In my previous blog, I shared my views about how organizations could enable the adoption of EPC Project Management through a compelling mechanism of “templatization.” Yes, templatization does offer significant benefits in your organizational project management maturity journey.Does it offer enough incentive for construction project professionals to embrace it?Well, maybe not!What is stopping them from … Read more

Make EPC Project Management Adoption Easy For Your Organization

As a discipline, project management has evolved significantly over the last couple of decades, thanks to the standards, methodologies, research, case studies, best practices, and software solutions. Organizations have invested in improving systems, processes, and tools for enabling project management. The adoption of project management ‘in spirit’ is far from satisfactory. A majority of professionals … Read more

Still stuck in a maze of project meetings?

In today’s professional world, is it possible to imagine a day at work without a meeting? If you are a project manager, could you visualize a day without meetings? Most probably, the answer, in either case, would be a ‘no’! Not exciting enough?  I hear you. How about a project manager managing two projects simultaneously … Read more

The Harsh Reality of Project and Program Management Governance!

Project and Program Management is about executing initiatives flawlessly. Governance is about ensuring that the right projects and programs are delivered right. Depending on the organizational maturity, one would expect structures, processes, and tools in place to manage projects, programs, and portfolios. Structures include committees, boards, and teams along with relevant hierarchy to facilitate appropriate … Read more

Project Revenue & Cost Management Made Easy For Project Managers

Imagine a project that your enterprise is executing for an external customer. The contract has a combination of payment terms with some deliverables being fixed price, some being time & material. On top of it, projects have specific milestones that trigger these payments from the customer. Now let us add another dimension here. Irrespective of … Read more

Of Life Cycles, Project Methodologies, and PPM Software Solutions

The professional world of project, program, and portfolio management has seen unprecedented changes in a matter of two decades. Not every move has been excellent! Of course, the corporate world has (hopefully) learned its lessons too. In the past, when people worked on projects, it was just project management, and they were project managers. There … Read more


Since the advent of modern management, organizations and professionals have experienced profound satisfaction and joy in their ability to churn reports. Management ‘gurus’ played their part in pushing the need for these reports. It started with our good old and humble Microsoft Excel, and PowerPoint-based graphs and pie-charts. Creating and sending an excellent looking report … Read more