Get on Top of Resource Capacity Planning

At a glanceØ  Resource management is crucial for both short-term and long-term successes of organizationsØ  In most organizations, managers struggle get to reliable and real-time information on resourcesØ  PSA software places ‘Single Version Of The Truth” at managers’ fingertips enabling data-based collaboration and decision making. You are an IT services organization that delivers projects to … Read more

Improve Productivity and Project Profitability Using Professional Services Automation Software

At a glanceProfessional Services Automation (PSA) software can significantly improve both productivity and project profitability. By integrating all existing software packages, capturing and validating data, and making it available in real-time, PSA software enables data-based collaboration and better decision-making. It helps with project proposals, resource allocation, and project planning, preventing wasteful work and avoiding duplication … Read more

Let’s Make A Wishlist For The Best PSA Software

A guide to making a wishlist for your best PSA and for selecting your vendor. How you approach the making of your wishlist will decide whether you get lost in the feature set or you keep a clear head. Here is an example. Whichever Professional Service Automation Software (PSA) platform you choose, it is going … Read more

How to build a project management culture?

At a glance Project management culture can only be built through an intent and consistent leadership practices. It is best to cut the rhetoric and pay attention to real actions related to talent, processes, digitization, and visibility. This is the last article in the three-part series on ‘Project Management Culture’. Using project management software doesn’t … Read more

How to recognize a project management culture?

Does your organization have these signs of a project management culture? A project management software alone doesn’t mean that you have such a culture. Take this test. The signs also hold clues about how to build such a culture. This is the second article in the three-part series on ‘Project Management Culture’. If yours is … Read more

Why should you build a project management culture?

At a glance It is best to understand project management culture as a synthesis of different facets of culture. Project-oriented culture can also have unintended consequences. The downsides can be avoided through a multi-pronged approach. This is the first article in the three-part series on ‘Project Management Culture’. Yours is an IT services company or … Read more

How to Effectively Manage Resources?

At a glanceLearn how to effectively manage resources in your IT company. This article outlines the essential steps.  By taking these steps, your managers will be able to focus on actual resource planning instead of juggling spreadsheets. You will be able to overcome challenges like retaining and finding top talent, preventing employee burnout, and digital … Read more

8 Benefits of Resource Planning and Scheduling in IT Industry

At a glance·       IT project success depends on resource allocation and scheduling.·       Resource planning and scheduling can prevent delays, improve quality and customer satisfaction, and protect margins.·       Good resource planning can prevent misallocations and employee burnout.·       Resource planning is a core function and requires enterprise-class resource management software. It may seem that planning resource allocation … Read more

5 Point Action Plan to Reduce Attrition in Professional Services Firms

At a glanceo   Mismatch and misallocation are the root causeso   Lack of visibility of employees’ progress is another root causeo   Data silos prevent collaboration needed to address the aboveo   Your managers need a ‘Single Version of The Truth’ Layoffs by big tech firms have started hitting the headlines. Employee attrition in professional services companies continues … Read more

7 Effective Ways to Overcome Resource Conflict Challenges within Professional Service Industry

At a glance·       Resolving resource conflicts -the biggest challenge for IT service companies·       Endemic resource conflicts push companies on a downward spiral of performance·       Operational and strategic actions required to prevent them Conflicting requirements of resources for multiple projects is a recurring challenge in the professional services industry. Such persisting conflicts cause revenue losses, lead … Read more